Creamy Potato Salad

Have you ever posted a recipe and just love reading the reviews for it? This is my signature potato salad. Whenever there is a pot luck function at work, I am TOLD that I have to bring the potato salad. No one else is allowed to and I am never given a choice. Thank you everyone who ever tried this potato salad and for leaving such glowing reviews for it. You all have made me look so good. I personally can not stand eggs or raw onions, so I leave them out but I know most people don't think a potato salad is complete without them. Thanks again for so many wonderful reviews. (psssst....check out my recipe #123107 as well. It shares the dressing with this recipe but tastes much much different because of the different ingredients) Please see Recipe #242966 for bacon bit tips.
Creamy Potato Salad Creamy Potato Salad
Creamy Potato Salad Creamy Potato Salad
Creamy Potato Salad Creamy Potato Salad
Creamy Potato Salad Creamy Potato Salad
Creamy Potato Salad Creamy Potato Salad


  1. I would give you more stars if I could. I consider myself a picky eater and reluctant to try something new. But this was soooo good;top of the line potatoe salad. I am so glad you shared the recipe.The only changes I made were adding more eggs, finely chopping the celery rather than slicing it, and using yellow onions (had no red onions on hand). The salad tasted even better the next day.
  2. Really tasty potato salad, I used my own rhubarb chutney and as I had no celery seeds I used a little celery salt instead. The added bacon is a definite plus, thanks for posting Karen. =)
  3. A wonderful creamy potato salad. I used sweet mustard pickle relish and I still used the 2 teasp of prepared mustard. It tasted great. The bacon added a beautiful flavour to the salad. The relish gave the dish an added tang. There was a little left over and I had that for lunch the next day. It was great. It keeps well. We are going to make this recipe in the future for lunches to take to work. An excellent Karen in Colorado creamy Potato Salad recipe. Thank you for posting it.
  4. This was soooo good. My mother said she is stealing this recipe and making it her signature potatoe salad. I added a little green onion and green bell pepper and less mayo and more mustard. Absouetley delicous.
  5. This was excellent! I usually make a differnt potato salad and was looking for something differnt to try. Tasted great, bacon added that extra flavour and the dressing was really good with the relish in it. The only thing I did differnt was add half of a finely chopped green pepper since I like it in salad.

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