Mrs. Geraldine's Ground Beef Casserole

I love this recipe! It tastes like it is a lot unhealthier than it really is. My husband is convinced I add sour cream to it, which of course I don't. The simmer time is rather long so I have found the best way to make this work for me is to spend some time on the weekend and get it to the point of assembly and then put it in the 'fridge for use as a weeknight meal. Then whoever gets home from work first pops it in the oven for the bake time. Because I don't use celery for anything else and didn't want to buy a whole batch just for this, I omit the celery and use an entire green bell pepper instead. Also, instead of can mushrooms I use the pre-sliced fresh ones in the produce dept of my grocery store. To cut down on fat, I rinse the ground beef after it is done browning. Only downside of the dish is because it's so tasty, we tend to eat more than a portion at a time.