Fresh Peach Cobbler

This is so yummy. When the peaches get ripe this is made a LOT!!
Fresh Peach Cobbler Fresh Peach Cobbler
Fresh Peach Cobbler Fresh Peach Cobbler


  1. I used 4 large peaches for this, just because I wanted to fill the dish. The cobbler topping, I left just the same. The dessert came out perfect. The aroma while this is baking is enough to make you drool. Served it warm with ice cream. It was awesome. Thanks again, Inez! :o)
  2. Oh Inez, honey this was just divine. This was our dessert for the Zaar Cookathon/4th of July BBQ. My guests were so impressed and all rated this 5-stars. Perfect dish to finish off a day full of eating and festivities. I topped it off with a dollop of whipped cream YUMMMMMMMMMM!! Thanks so much.
  3. Wonderful cobbler, Inez! I used 4 good sized ripe peaches and melted the butter in the 8x8" glass pan in the microwave to save myself a step. I served this delicious cobbler with ice cream and it was superb! Thanks for a great dessert tonight, Inez!
  4. Chef Bev was nice enough to let me have some of this cobbler that she prepared last evening. This was truly an out of body peach cobbler experience! To attain maximum flavor absorption I would have smeared it all over myself as I ate it except I didn't want to waste it. This is the way peach cobbler is supposed to be! The breading was not at all mushy or flavorless like most cobblers and it didn't mask the sweetness of the peach flavor. I suggest you try this cobbler first-time without the ice-cream so you don't disturb the flavor. This one's a keeper! Hooray for Inez!!!
  5. This was great! The only change I made was using 4 peaches instead of 2. I will be making this again!

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