White Chip Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies

I originally made these at the request of my old chorus director John Kelleher, who also worked at Seattle area Starbucks (I think he'd had the combo in a cookie there, once). I was surprised but very pleased they came out so tasty! These days, these are pretty much the only cookies which are requested and I make on a fairly regular basis.
White Chip Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies White Chip Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies
White Chip Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies White Chip Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies


  1. Fabulous cookie! I'm giving this a 4-star because of all the changes I made from reading the reviews. Changes: I soaked the dried cranberries in hot water for about 10 minutes, cut the white sugar back to 1/2 cup, added an extra egg yolk, and baked @ 350* for 11 minutes. Mine were probably bigger than suggested in the directions, so I got only 20 cookies from the batch. We like 'em big! Thanks for sharing!
  2. I made two batches...the second one was so much better and they were not as dry as the first batch. I made them slightly different but wasn't much of a change. I soaked the dried cranberries in very hot water. I put them in a bowl, microwaved some eater in a mug for a bout a minute and poured it on the cranberry bowl. Let them soak for about 20 minutes and this made the cookies taste so Much better! I also added a tablespoon of olive oil into the mix to make them softer since my first batch of cookies turned hard after cooling. and last change I did was lower the temp to 350 and cooked for about 11-12 minutes just as the edges were brown. My dad said these were a bit too sweet so maybe I will use 1/2 cup of white sugar instead of 3/4. Made 3 dozen an they are all gone!
  3. Love, love these cookies...add dried blueberries to the ingredients and make them for the 4th of July...I do and everyone loves them.
  4. I used to bake cookies, and I would even eat a bad cookie. But not anymore, because I decided no cookie was worth the amount of calories & fat consumed. Baked these for a sailing trip, and believe me; they are so worthy of the intake of cals & fat! Superb Jules, this has won you notoriety! I did add an extra egg yolk, a little extra baking soda and smashed them out a little--as suggested by others. Baked for 10 minutes. When I bake cookies again, it will only be these.
  5. I did what others said to do, soaked the cranberries in warm water for 10 mins and drain, added additional egg yolk (although did not add extra baking soda), reduced the white suger to 1/2 cup. I made them twice as big as recipe and squished the dough balls flat. Baked on convection bake for 8 mins. on 375 deg. I also added 1/2 cup of pecans (because I love nuts in my cookies). Next time I would add 5.5 oz vs. 6 oz of white chocolate b/c it would be exactly half of the 11 oz bag of Ghiradelli and I could make 2 batches from 1 bag. If you make these, you will want to double the batch, they are very yummy!

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