Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!)

If you bake and cook everyday then this is a must to have in your cupboard, it's so much cheaper than using cooking spray and works even better than Pam cooking spray, no chemical fumes and will not leave burnt on black residue on the edges of your pans like cooking spray will and will keep forever in your cupboard --- for baking recipes using chocolate you may use 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder in place of white flour or 1/4 cup each cocoa powder and flour --- this may be increased or decreased sucessfully just make certain that *all* three ingredients are the same amounts or the mixture will not work as well ;-)
Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!) Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!)
Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!) Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!)
Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!) Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!)
Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!) Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!)
Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!) Pan Release, Professional Pan Coating (Better Than Pam Spray!)


  1. Ok, I was taught this recipe in culinary school while studying baking and pastry art. In a professional kitchen you would be hard pressed to find PAM type sprays. This stuff works better, is cheaper and won't hurt your pans. The brown goo from the sprays is actually the propellant that they use. A dark pan gets hotter, faster and can dramatically alter the results of you baking to the point of causing burnt bottoms and undercooked middles. I have never heard of the cocoa substitution, but it makes sense and I can't wait to try it.
  2. I have to agree, this is way better than Pam! This does not leave that icky brown gunk on the unused part of the pan or cookie sheet like some of the sprays do and it definitely releases with ease. I make this all the time and keep it stored in the fridge in a container then scoop out some to thaw (soften) while I an mixing up my batter. I then brush on the softened mixture to my pans, voila! Works great every time. Thanks so much sharing!
  3. In recommending this to someone I realized that I never rated this... so very sorry! This is amazing stuff, I absolutely love it! Very easy to put together, really thrifty and works great. I use a silicone pastry brush to apply and it spreads very easily for me.
  4. I made up two batches of this today. First, I made one as written. Then I realized that I was making Brownie Bites so I made up another batch using cocoa powder instead of flour. It worked beautifully on my mini muffin pans. No more PAM for me.
  5. Love IT! Have been using this recipe for nearly 20 YEARS. I use 1 T measurements and it's always plenty, even for 2 half sheet cake pans. FYI: Remember that all cakes will stick if left in the pan too long.

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