Lemon Baked Cod

Great baked cod recipe.
Lemon Baked Cod Lemon Baked Cod
Lemon Baked Cod Lemon Baked Cod
Lemon Baked Cod Lemon Baked Cod


  1. Just a cooking tip to those who are saying that their fish came out soggy. Try putting the fish or anything that you have dredged in flour/breadcrumbs in the refrigerator for at least an hour before you go ahead and cook it. This allows time for the coating to stick to the item to help create more crispiness in the oven while cooking!!!!
  2. I thought this was a delicious, easy recipe. However my three children thought differently. My oldest child sat at the table with tears streamung down his face, my middle son was throwing up at the trash can, and my daughtersat with her arms drawn inside of her shirt saying she will not try anything on her plate. So I think I'll be making this recipe again next Friday. Thanks for a new way to torment my kids.
  3. Ritz crackers !!!!! Use that instead of flour or bread crumbs. Delicious !!!!!
  4. This is not a recommendation, since I haven't made it yet... it is what I'm going to do after reading the reviews. It almost seems it will be good even if I get it wrong! I will: pat fresh fish dry with paper towel. Coat only top of fillets. Use breadcrumbs instead of flour. Use chilli flakes instead of paprika. Not too thickly coated. Fridge for one hour after coated. Use real lemons. Use less butter. Spread out to bake, don't crowd. Grill (broil) for last five minutes.
  5. I thought this was pretty good. Instead of dredging the fish, I put it in the pan, brushed it with the lemon mixture and sprinkled breadcrumbs over the top. The top got crispy and solved the soggy bottom dilemma. I'll be making this again.

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