Perfect Rump Roast

For as long as I can remember, my mother has been fixing the perfect rump roast. It is by far my favorite meal. Served with rice and gravy, I am one happy camper. I love mine rare. Lately I have been fixing one on Sunday, having my Sunday meal and then I have the rest to eat on all week long. Life doesn't get any better. One thing my mom used to always remind me was to take your meat out well before you are going to cook it so it gets to room temperature.
Perfect Rump Roast Perfect Rump Roast
Perfect Rump Roast Perfect Rump Roast
Perfect Rump Roast Perfect Rump Roast
Perfect Rump Roast Perfect Rump Roast


  1. Perfection! I took my 5 pound roast out of the fridge a good 2 hours prior to cooking and used about 7 or 8 cloves of garlic. After searing I added a splash of worcestershire, garlic salt and onion powder to 2 cups of water (my roasting pan is quite large). After the first hour I added some quartered yukon gold potatoes (plus a cup more water mixture) and continued to cook (and baste every 30 min) for a total of roughly 3 hours. Unreal flavor, it tasted like Prime Rib; no kidding! Thank you Gone Fishin' for sharing your mom's truly perfect "Perfect Rump Roast" recipe with the world!
  2. This is a wonderful recipe. I made a medium rare, succulent, delicious rump roast for Christmas Dinner yesterday. Rump roasts have always been a challenge for me - they won't ever be again. It took ~25 minutes per pound at 275 for medium rare. I used 1/2 red wine and 1/2 veggie bouillon instead of water. The drippings were the base for a delicious gravy. My family raved - THANKS!
  3. The roast prepared this way is great. The only real change I made was that I substituted a can of beef broth for the water. The wife, aka the boss, loved it and when the wife is happy all is well with world. Thirty-seven years of marriage and five years of living in sin teaches a person these things. Have used quite a few recipies on this site and this is the first time I've commented on one. Gone Fishin, your mother must have been a great cook. Thanks!!
  4. @gulfwild: You cannot use a Pyrex pan to sear meat at 500 degrees. I found this out the hard way myself. It will shatter, even if you don't open the oven door or add liquid. However, you can't add liquid to hot Pyrex either. In fact, consumers are supposed to add liquid to the bottom of a Pyrex pan BEFORE cooking any meat or vegetables that might leak juice or moisture as it cooks.

    Furthermore, on the Pyrex website, it says to never add liquid to hot Pyrex cookware (regardless of how hothothot the water was).

    Your warning on this recipe is a good one for those who don't know how to safely use their Pyrex bakeware. Glad you weren't hurt.
  5. I am shaking as I write this because I just exploded my rump roast. Unfortunately, I used a glass/Pyrex roasting dish and when I slowly added the HOT HOT water to the pan after the 20 minutes of searing, the glass exploded. Now I have a royal mess in my oven and over the floor, no dinner, and a waste of good meat and money. Fortunately, I did not get hurt. Wow, what a lesson. My bad I guess. But I would suggest (for us novices) that you specify non-glass cookware. Don't know if I will have the nerve to try this again...

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