Secretly Delicious Spinach Pie

This was fantastic!!! Even my son, the world pickiest eater, ate his whole piece. I used a whole wheat tortilla for the base. I used another reviewers suggestion and sauteed the onion and 3 cloves of garlic, then added the fresh spinach to the pan till it got wilty. I spread that on top of the cheese. I didn't have lemon pepper, so I just added pepper and a tbsp of lemon juice to the mixture. I also added a bit of Herbamare seasoning and a pinch of cayenne. Served it with salsa. Sooooo delicious!!!
Recently, my wife asked me if I could cook meals once per week. I rarely cook, when I do it's 99% of the time limited to some sort of pasta dish... and most other times when I am in the kitchen end up becoming a disaster! Not only was this easier to make than pasta, but it was a lot of fun, satisfying, and really really delicious. I'm pretty proud of myself, and my wife was so happy with it that she took pictures (which we uploaded to this site). We will definitely be making this "easy quiche" again!!
I love making breakfast for company and decided it was time to try something new rather than all of my usual favorites. I had my daughter help by tearing the spinach and layering it with the cheese and I have to be honest, she thought it looked rather disgusting. Once it was out of the oven though, she tried it and declared that it would be perfect to serve at the brunch on the morning after her wedding!! I made two of these "pies", along with bacon and other egg dishes and they ate every bit of them. I followed the recipe except that I forgot to get garlic so I added garlic powder to the eggs. The one thing I will do differently next time (and there will be lots of next times!) is to layer the bacon with the spinach and cheese. Pouring it in with the eggs, it stayed on top of the pie and was a bit overcooked and dry. Thanks for a new favorite!