Quick Butternut Squash Soup


This was so simple to start with and I had to make it even easier. I peeled and seeded the butternut squash and threw it in the food processor!Then continue'd..After I pureed it in the blender, I tried one more thing...I added a little cream (1 tablespoon to the whole batch..only 50 calories and 5 grams of fat). It still will be low fat and low calories and rich, as if you are cheating.
My family and I LOVE this soup!!! My husband, who is "anti-any kind of sqash" requests it regularly. We buy a 2 pound container of peeled and cubed butternut squash at Costco for $5 and put the whole thing into the stockpot with 4 cups of chicken broth and TONS of dried sage from my mother's garden. After I use the stick blender, I always add a can of washed black beans. It adds a little something and makes the soup stick to your ribs a bit more. ;-) Quick, healthy and absolutely FABULOUS!!!! Thanks for posting!!
This soup was very yummy! I liIked it better than my hubby, but he only likes squash because we grew it so it's cheap! :O) I made it as posted except I microwaved the squash whole for 10 minutes, then peeled and cubed it. Made it much easier!! Also used veggie-chicken broth. I forgot to try adding ginger, so will have to do that next time. Thanks so much for sharing!! :O)