Now don't go "EEEWWW!!" before you try this!

The only way to eat fresh tomatoes! In anticipation of the impending tomato harvest, I share with you a family secret. This is the reason we look forward to the end of summer, to the time when our gardens and our friends gardens are bursting with little red-skinned treasures. When I tell anyone about this, besides my brother and sister -- we learned it from Mom -- and my children -- now that I've gotten them to try it -- they think I'm weird (well...yes, I am, but this isn't why). People looked at me oddly when I made this in the college cafeteria. At least I thought that was the reason. It never tasted right, though. I think the foodservice tomatoes were plastic. My husband seems to shudder if he sees me or the kids consuming this treat, but then, he hates warm peanut butter. Period. Won't touch it. I haven't managed to get any of my in-laws to give it a try; my husband's Dad just looks at me and shakes his head. Come to think of it, I get a lot of that from him. So, what is this food that most people seem to find so repulsive that they won't even consider it? I just call it exactly what it is: Peanut Butter and Tomatoes on Toast. If you're intrigued, the extremely difficult and intricate recipe follows below. If you think I'm weird, get in line. Grossed out? Get over it, and try it already. I thought it was pretty gross the first time I saw my Mom eating it, too, but she made me take a bite, and I was hooked.
Now don't go Now don't go
Now don't go Now don't go
Now don't go Now don't go
Now don't go Now don't go
Now don't go Now don't go


  1. ThatBobbiGirl -You may be way out and your mom may be way out but so am I!!!! I had a big lunch so decided to have your Peanut butter weirdo toast _ I heated the plate to keep the toast hot, slipped on the peanut butter, added the tomatoes and added chopped green onions - now I have adored peanuit butter with green onions for years but the tomatoes add the 3rd dimension - A true unique weird top winner!! Go everybudy - I know your writeup will pull in the views. Thanks for being fun, unique and good tasting
  2. Hi There! I am a die-hard fan of this recipe, you know!! I am u could say, in love with this one. Chef Anu had posted a recipe few weeks back, which is just the same as this one. And ever since that evening, oh, I have to make this one. I make this very very often, earlier, it used to be daily, now its about thrice a week. I do put about 2 leaves of iceberg lettuce as well on top of the peanut butter on the slices and then place the tomatoes,salt and pepper on it. I would recommend this recipe to THE WHOLE WORLD! I am crazy about it:) And can you believe, I can have just 2 slices of this for dinner and yet feel I had a whole huge sumptious biryani, it gives me so much satisfaction:) This is one of my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITES!
  3. Had to give it 5 stars for nostalgia. Thought my family where the only weird'os:) Sometimes mom would add a few strips of crispy bacon and leaf lettuce to the sandwiches but always toasted bread. Thankyou for sharing, I think I'll go make one now.........
  4. This recipe has been around for many years. I am 50 years old and my parents ate p-nut butter and tomato sandwiches before I was born. Coming from east tennessee, with their reputation for fine tomatoes, I can say these tomatoes are the choice for this "delicacy". Also, try sweet pickles with p-nut butter.It really doesn't matter what bread you use for either sandwich,and it does not have to be toasted.
  5. I have the almost exact same recipe too (#23836) and I positively LOVE this! Instead of spreading the peanut butter on hot toast, I spread it on the bread first, then lay the tomato slices (and lettuce/wilted spinach sometimes), and grill the bread in the oven. That way the tomato juices seep into the bread a tad, and the peanut butter gets a fresh toasty flavour as well! But your method works great too :)

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