Lasagna Supremo (The Best Lasagna Ever!)

This is delicious! The marinara sauce is some of the best I've ever eaten. During the simmering, the tomatoes lose their acidic bite, but the sauce isn't cloyingly sweet, either. Perfect balance! I was surprised to see that the same herbs and garlic are added to the sauce TWICE, but I absolutely understand why he recommends that. Adding them before simmering gives the sauce its complex, rich flavor, but the herbs then get so mingled that you can't really taste their individual components. However, adding another dose at the end of the simmering gives the basil, garlic, etc. their individual notes back again, without losing the complexity of the sauce. Fantastic, marvelous, exquisite!
I had no mushrooms or olives on hand, so I left those out. I don't think the lasagna suffered a bit, though. It's the marinara that deserves the blue ribbon here. I plan to make up several batches and freeze them in small containers to use on spaghetti, rotini, etc.
This makes an enormous amount of lasagna, so you could bake it in two pans and freeze one. We ate our leftovers the next night, and I swear the lasagna was even better then. I didn't think that could be possible!
One comment: the recipe says the total time will be 1 hour 45 minutes. I would allow an extra hour. I can't imagine how anyone could prep the noodles, onions, garlic, beef, and sausage in a couple of minutes, and the sauce really should simmer for more than an hour to give it that deep, rich flavor. Also-this makes a DEEP lasagna, so mine took about an hour to bake all the way through.