Peppermint Candy Cane Bark

I used 1 lb regular choc. chips and 1 lb white, and mixed half the extract with each (actually, I forgot to mix the extract in the white, but you can't tell.) I layered the chocolate on the bottom and then mixed the candy cames with the white and layered on top. I reserved some candy canes to decorate the top. UPDATE- Made this again this year using Wilton's white chocolate and dark chocolate candy melts. I first did it with regular chips, but the white and the dark layers separated when I broke them apart and the dark layer got all cloudy. The Wilton is expensive, but it's beautiful (see photo!) I now reserve almost the entire amount of candy canes for the top; what I did this time is put them through a mesh strainer so all the really tiny pieces came out. I mixed the really tiny pieces in with the chocolate and scattered the rest on top.
Made this last night to put in small packages for my neighbors for a holiday gift. It turned out wonderful. I used the "Guittard" chips as recommended (they were on sale!!) and they melted really well. I think that next time I will reserve some of the crushed candy canes for the end and sprinkle them over the spreaded chocolate to make them a bit more noticeable. Other than that, I wouldn't change a thing.
These were phenomenal! I included them in my Christmas cookie packages last Christmas and all my friends and family loved them (my professors even asked for the recipe for this one!!!!) These are also really easy to make, and I just used the generic white chocolate chips and didn't have any problems with them melting smoothly. They also keep well!!! Try it!!
Just made this for my Christmas gift baskets and it's fabulous. We could tell it was fabulous even when we pouring it onto the aluminum foil -- my husband was sneaking tastes and thought it was great. I think I pulverized the candy canes a bit too much -- next time I make it, I'll leave more smallish pieces for a little more "crunch."